Musique-Evénements in Benin
Stage of music in Porto-Novo The actions of the association do not have borders. Its objectives isn’t it to promote music in West Africa ?
From the 20th to 24th of July 2009, our association has intervened in the neighbouring Benin. 200 km are between the two capitals.
Capital : Porto-Novo Superficy : 112 622 km2 Population : 7 300 000 inhabitants We were welcomed in Porto-Novo by the CEMAAC : centre for the study of traditional musics and cultural animations and its director Mr Richard Lys Hounsou. Musique-Evènements brought its support during a session by animating :
- A piano workshop done by Amandine. The two teachers came from France and accepted the invitation on top of their involvement in Togo. An average of 30 stagiaires were able to participate to the sessions. We can observe an immense satisfaction from all the participants at the end of theis sessions. It was the first experience of Musique-Evènements outside Togo borders.